[= Leptura otini Peyerimhoff, 1949]
[= Paracorymbia otini (Peyerimhoff, 1949)]
[= Leptura strangulata tizifrensis Cobos, 1961]
Subfamilia: LEPTURINAE / Tribus: LEPTURINI

[Photo © David Navrátil, click on the picture for 4K resolution]
Stictoleptura otini, a rare species distributed in Morocco and South Spain, has been described from cedar forests in Jebel Bou Menzel (Middle Atlas, Morocco) as Leptura otini by Paul de Peyerimhoff de Fontenelle in 1949 [▽]. The form with black elytra, S. otini var. peyerimhoffi (depicted mounted beetles with lower index P in the picture), has been described also from Morocco by André Reymond in 1953 [❖]. Larvae of this species, which is close to Stictoleptura (Cribroleptura) stragulata (Germar, 1824), develop in decaying wood of coniferous trees (Abies, Cedrus, Pinus). Adults, active in June and July, are diurnal and anthophilous [✮][✧].
Body length: 10 - 14 mm Life cycle: 2 years Adults in: June - July Host plant: polyphagous in coniferous trees (Abies pinsapo, Cedrus atlantica, Pinus spp.) Distribution: Morocco, South Spain
The depicted mounted beetles were collected in: ♂♂ - Yunquera environs (Sierra de las Nieves, Málaga province, Andalusia, South Spain) on June 11, 2011 and June 26, 2010 (P); ♀ - Grazalema village environs (Sierra del Pinar, Cadiz province, Andalusia, South Spain) on June 7, 2016. The living female beetle was photographed in Peña Blanca environs (La Puebla de Valverde, Gúdar-Javalambre comarca, Teruel province, Aragon, South Spain) on July 15, 2021.Collected by Jerónimo Navarro, Teodoro Alcantara and Daniel Rydzi
Peyerimhoff P.:
Etudes et descriptions de Coléoptères marocains II.
Bulletin de la Société des Sciences Naturelles du Maroc 25-27 [1945-1947]: 248-303, 1949. [download]
Reymond A.:
Description de deux formes nouvelles de Cérambycides du Cèdre au Maroc, suivie d'observations sur la biocénose de cet arbre en Afrique du Nord.
Bulletin de la Société des Sciences Naturelles du Maroc 33: 199-205, 1953.[✮]
Verdugo Páez A. and Pérez-López F.:
Contribución al conocimiento de los Cerambícidos de Andalucía (España). IV. (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa 35: 211-217, 2004. [download]
Trócoli S.:
Actualización del catálogo de Longicornios de Marruecos / Actualisation du catalogue des Longicornes du Maroc (Parte II / Partie II : Cerambycidae, Lepturinae, Vesperidae).
Revue de l'Association Roussillonnaise d'Entomologie (R.A.R.E.) 28 (2): 72-84, 2019. [download]

Stictoleptura (Cribroleptura) otini ♀ [Photo © Daniel Rydzi]
Subfamilia | Lepturinae Latreille, 1802 |
Tribus | Lepturini Latreille, 1802 |
Genus | Stictoleptura Casey, 1924 |
Subgenus | Cribroleptura Vives, 2000 |
Species | Stictoleptura (Cribroleptura) otini (Peyerimhoff, 1949) |