[= Gnatholea soraya Villiers, 1974]

[Photo © David Navrátil & 8K postprocessing M.Hoskovec]
Zoodes compressus, a species widespread from Thailand and India through South Iran to Arabian Peninula, has been described from Siam as Callidium compressum by Johann Christian Fabricius in 1787 [▽]. Single male specimen of this species collected in Iran has been mistakenly described again under name Gnatholea soraya by André Villiers in 1974 [❖]. Host plant was unknown for a long time but Gianfranco Sama reported [✧] finding of one dead adult under the loose bark of a dead Mango tree (Mangifera indica) with some larvae (one specimen emerged) feeding on a dead branch of the same plant (Minab, E of Bandar-e 'Abbās, S Iran).
Body length: 15 - 25 mm Life cycle: unknown Adults in: April - June Host plant: Mangifera indica. Acacia spp. Distribution: Iran, India, Tibet, Afghanistan, Arabian peninsula
The depicted beetles were collected in: ♂ - Ḩasan Langī-ye Bālā environs (N27°22′ E56°49′; 30 m a.s.l., Takht district, Bandar Abbas county, Hormozgān province, Iran) on May 14-15, 2019; ♀ - Genu environs (30 km N Bandar-e Abbas, Bandar Abbas county, Hormozgān province, Iran) on April 23, 2002.Collected by Karel Hodek and Petr Kabátek
Fabricius J.Ch.:
Mantissa insectorum sistens eorum species nuper detectas adiectis characteribus genericis, differentiis specificis, emendationibus, observationibus.
Hafniae, Proft 1: 348 pp, 1787. [download]
Breuning S. and Villiers A.:
Trois nouveaux Longicornes d'Iran.
L'Entomologiste, Paris 30 (3): 131-133, 1974. [download]
Sama G.:
Preliminary report on the Cerambycidae of the United Arab Emirates, with the description of a new species belonging to a new subgenus (Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae).
Quaderno di Studi e Notizie di Storia Naturale della Romagna 23: 173-178, 2006. [download]
Subfamilia | Cerambycinae Latreille, 1802 |
Tribus | Hesperophanini Mulsant, 183 |
Genus | Zoodes Pascoe, 1867 |
Species | Zoodes compressus (Fabricius, 1787) |