Saphanus piceus (Laicharting, 1784)
ssp. bartolonii Sama & Rapuzzi, 1993
[Photo © Adam Woźniak]
[Photo © Adam Woźniak]
ssp. bartolonii Sama & Rapuzzi, 1993

[Photo © Adam Woźniak]
Saphanus piceus bartolonii, described by Gianfranco Sama and Pierpaolo Rapuzzi in 1993 [❖], is a rare, little-known taxon, so far found only in the Greek province of Thessaly. Ecologically related to beech (Fagus spp.). The larvae develop in stumps and roots. The beetles lead a secretive, nocturnal lifestyle. The species' habitat and pupa are depicted in dedicated page.
Body length: ♂♂ 14 - 20 mm / ♀♀ 17 - 24 mm Life cycle: several years Adults in: June – July Host plant: the only known host plant is beech (Fagus spp.) Distribution: Greece (Thessaly)
The depicted beetles were collected on Ossa Mt. slopes (Thessaly, Greece) in July 2015.Collected by Adam Woźniak
Sama G. & Rapuzzi P.:
Revisione dei generi Saphanus Serville, 1834 e Drymochares Mulsant, 1847. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Saphanini).
Lambillionea 93 (3): 278-294, 1993.

[Photo © Adam Woźniak]
Subfamilia | Spondylidinae Audinet-Serville, 1832 |
Tribus | Saphanini Gistel, 1856 |
Genus | Saphanus Audinet-Serville, 1834 |
Species | Saphanus piceus (Laicharting, 1784) |
Subspecies | Saphanus piceus bartolonii Sama & Rapuzzi, 1993 |