Subfamilia: LEPTURINAE / Tribus: RHAGIINI

[Photo © Lech Kruszelnicki]
Rare endemic Rhagium pruinosum, belonging to Rhagium (Megarhagium) sycophanta cluster, was decribed by Carlo Pesarini and Andrea Sabbadini from Peloponnese in 2011. A species is known so far only from the central part of the Peloponnese (Greece). Ecologically related to oaks (Quercus spp.). Beetles live on trunks and in the crowns of living trees. Adults are relatively difficult to observe on oak trunks due to their perfect mimicry.
Body length: 15 - 25 mm Life cycle: unknown, propably several years Adults in: May - June Host plant: Quercus spp. Distribution: a species endemic to Peloponnese (Greece)
The mounted female beetles were collected in Peloponnese (Greece). The depicted living beetles were collected by Adam Woźniak in Fanaiti (Φαναίτη) village environs (Arkadia, Peloponnese, Greece) in May 2015.
Pesarini C. & Sabbadini A.:
Note su Cerambycidae di Grecia e Turchia, con descrizione di tre nuove specie e una nuova sottospecie (Coleoptera).
Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Ferrara 13: 41-59, 2010. [download]
Rhagium pruinosum ♂ [Photo © Adam Woźniak]
Rhagium pruinosum ♀ [Photo © Adam Woźniak]
Subfamilia | Lepturinae Latreille, 1802 |
Tribus | Rhagiini Kirby, 1837 |
Genus | Rhagium Fabricius, 1775 |
Subgenus | Megarhagium Reitter, 1913 |
Species | Rhagium (Megarhagium) pruinosum Pesarini & Sabbadini, 2011 |