[= Purpuricenus renyvonae neocaucasicus Rapuzzi & Sama, 2013]

[Photo © Kirill V. Makarov]
Purpuricenus neocaucasicus, a Caucasian species known from South Russia, Georgia and North-Eastern Turkey, has been described from Caucasus as Purpuricenus renyvonae neocaucasicus by Pierpaolo Rapuzzi and Gianfranco Sama in 2013 [▽]. Into a species rank it was elevated by Mikhail Danilevsky in 2015 [✧]. The occurence in South Russia and taxonomic status of the related species P. caucasicola Danilevsky, 2015 was reported and discussed by Alexander I. Miroshnikov in 2017 and 2018 [❖]. According to the unpublished data larvae of this species, inhabiting xerothermic sibljak* formations, develop in deciduous trees (Quercus, Acer).
Body length: 10 - 20 mm Life cycle: 2 years Adults in: June - August Host plant: polyphagous in deciduous trees (Quercus, Acer) Distribution: Caucasus (South Russia, Georgia, NE Turkey)
The depicted beetles were collected using wine traps in coastal region (Malyy Utrish, Bol'shoy Utrish settlements) of Krasnodar Krai (Southern Federal District, Russia) by A.I. Miroshnikov.
Rapuzzi P. and Sama G.:
Revision of the Purpuricenus interscapillatus species - group and allied taxa (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
Fragmenta entomologica, Roma 45 (1-2): 143-171, 2013. [download]
Danilevsky M.L.:
A new species of the genus Purpuricenus Dejean, 1821 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) from the Caucasus.
Caucasian Entomological Bulletin 11 (2):385-388, 2015. [download]
Miroshnikov A.I.:
Усач-краснокрыл кавказский Purpuricenus neocaucasicus Rapuzzi & Sama, 2013
Красная книга Краснодарского края (Red Book of Krasnodar Krai). Животные. Издание третье. Часть первая. Беспозвоночные животные (Invertebrata). Краснодар: Администрация Краснодарского края, 284–285, 2017. [download]
Miroshnikov A.I.:
Review of protected beetles (Insecta, Coleoptera) of the Sochi National Park and neighboring territories of the Russian Transcaucadia with notes on some aspects of their monitoring.
[ Обзор охраняемых видов жесткокрылых насекомых (Insecta, Coleoptera) Сочинского Национального Парка и соседних территорий Российского Закавказья с заметками по некоторым аспектам их мониторинга. ]
The Sochi National Park is 35 years. Proceeding of the Sochi National Park. Issue 12. Sochi, Optima, 491 pp [pages 338-391], 2018. [download]
*Sibljak (Šibljak/Шибляк): vegetation formation of deciduous, semi-natural or natural shrubs, widespread in sub-Mediterranean areas of South-Eastern Europe, especially in the Balkan Peninsula, Crimea and South Russian Transcaucasia.
Subfamilia | Cerambycinae Latreille, 1802 |
Tribus | Trachyderini Dupont, 1836 |
Genus | Purpuricenus Dejean, 1821 |
Species | Purpuricenus neocaucasicus Rapuzzi & Sama, 2013 |