[= Reitteroderus glabratus (Charpentier, 1825)]

[Photo © Daniel Rydzi]
Phymatodes glabratus, a relatively rare species distributed in Europe (except North), North Africa and Caucasus, has been described from Hungary as Callidium glabratum by Toussaint Charpentier in 1825 [✧]. P. glabratus is in Central Europe ecologically associated with former and current pastures with natural juniper growth on which Juniperus rejuvenates. The female lays eggs in dying or dead branches and trunks of junipers. Development of larvae under the bark, puptrion in hook-shaped pupal cell in wood. Overwinters exclusively in the larval stage. Adults can be found on the host trees from April to June [❖].
After many decades when this interesting species was considered extinct, its occurrence in Bohemia was again proven in 2019 [▽].
Body length: 5 - 9 mm Life cycle: 1 year Adults in: March - June Host plant: juniper (Juniperus), rarely in Cupressus or Pinus Distribution: Europe except North, Algeria, NW Caucasus
The depicted beetles were reared from larvae collected in a dead juniper (Juniperus communis) branches found in: (DR) - Hubina village environs (Piešťany district, Trnava region, Slovakia) in March 2022; (TN) - Hungary in winter 2016.Collected by Daniel Rydzi and Tamás Németh
Charpentier T.:
Horae Entomologicae adjectis tabulis novem coloratis.
Gosohorsky, Wratislawiae : i-xvi + 255pp, 1825. [download]
Sláma M.E.F.:
Tesaříkovití – Cerambycidae České republiky a Slovenské republiky.
[ Cerambycidae of the Czech Republic and Slovak Republic. ]
Milan Sláma private printing, Krhanice, 383pp [page 149-150], 1998 [ISBN: 80-238-2627-1]. [download]
Skořepa L.:
Phymatodes (Phymatoderus) glabratus (Charpentier, 1825; Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) v Čechách.
[ Phymatodes (Phymatoderus) glabratus (Charpentier, 1825; Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) in the Bohemia. ]
Sborník Jihočeského muzea v Českých Budějovicích, Přírodní vědy 59: 117, 2019. [download]

[Photo © Daniel Rydzi]

[Photo © Tamás Németh]
Subfamilia | Cerambycinae Latreille, 1802 |
Tribus | Callidiini Mulsant, 1839 |
Genus | Phymatodes Mulsant, 1839 |
Subgenus | Phymatoderus Reitter, 1913 |
Species | Phymatodes (Phymatoderus) glabratus (Charpentier, 1825) |