[= Stenura femoralis Motschulsky, 1860]
[= Leptura xanthoma Bates, 1873]
Subfamilia: LEPTURINAE / Tribus: LEPTURINI

[Photo © Kirill V. Makarov, click on the picture for 4K resolution]
Pedostrangalia femoralis, an East-Palaearctic forest belt species occuring in Russia (East Siberia and Far East), North China, Japan, and Korea, has been described from "Daourie" (Amur region, Russian Far East) as Stenura femoralis by Victor Ivanovitsch Motschulsky in 1860 [✧]. The species is ecologically associated with Manchurian striped maple (Acer tegmentosum), Ussuri pear (Pyrus ussuriensis), and other deciduous trees. P. femoralis larvae develop in decaying and even rotten wood, some larvae have been found at the base of dead branches on living trees [probably similar biology to West-Palaearctic Pedostrangalia revestita (Linnaeus, 1767)], but dead trees are also colonized. Pupation in wood after the second overwintering during spring and early summer. Life-cycle 2 years. Adults, active from June to August, are diurnal and anthophilous [❖][✩].
Body length: ♂♂ 10 - 14 mm / ♀♀ 11 - 15 mm Life cycle: 2 years Adults in: May - August Host plant: polyphagous in deciduous trees (Acer, Pyrus, Ulmus, Sorbus, etc.) Distribution: Russia (East Siberia and Far East), North China, Japan, and Korea
The depicted mounted beetles (♂/♀ - 13 mm) were collected in the right side of the Severyanka (Северянка) river valley (N44°20′18″ E146°00′42″; 20-40 m a.s.l., Kurils Nature Reserve, Kunashir/Кунаши́р island, Kuril Islands, Yuzhno-Kurilsky district, Sakhalin region, Russia) on July 28, 2013.Collected by Kirill V. Makarov
Motschulsky V.I.:
Diognoses d'insectes nouveaux des rives du fl. Amur et de la Daourie méridionale.
Études Entomologiques 9: 39-41, 1860.[❖]
Danilevsky M.L.:
Longicorn beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycoidea) of Russia and adjacent countries. Part 1.
Higher School Consulting, Moscow, 550pp [pages 300-301], 2014. [download]
Cherepanov A.I.:
Cerambycidae of Northern Asia, Volume 1 - Prioninae, Disteniinae, Lepturinae, Aseminae.
Amerind Publishing, New Delhi: 304pp [pages 515-521], 1988. [download]
Subfamilia | Lepturinae Latreille, 1802 |
Tribus | Lepturini Latreille, 1802 |
Genus | Pedostrangalia Sokolov, 1897 |
Subgenus | Neosphenalia Löbl, 2010 |
Species | Pedostrangalia (Neosphenalia) femoralis (Motschulsky, 1860) |