[= Leptura pallidipennis Tournier, 1872]
[= Stictoleptura (Paracorymbia) pallidipennis (Tournier, 1872)][✩]
Subfamilia: LEPTURINAE / Tribus: LEPTURINI

[Photo © David Navrátil, click on the picture for 4K resolution]
Paracorymbia pallidipennis, an endemic Caucasian species occuring in South Russia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and NE Turkey, has been described from Georgia as Leptura pallidipennis by Henri Tournier in 1872 [✧].
Body length: 9.5 - 16 mm Life cycle: 2 years [?] Adults in: May - August Host plant: unknown Distribution: South Russia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, NE Turkey
The depicted mounted beetles were collected in Teberda (Теберда́) environs (Karachayevsk, NW Caucasus Mts., Karachay–Cherkess Republic, North Caucasian federal district, Russia) in July 1990 (♂) and on July 2-13, 1989 (♀), respectively.Collected by J.Hrdlička and P.Moravec
Tournier H.:
Catalogue des Longicornes récoltés par M. Théophile Deyrolle, en Imerétie, Mingrélie et Géorgie, et description des espèces nouvelles.
Revue et Magasin de Zoologie pure et appliquée, Paris (2) 23: 338-349, 1872. [download]
Miroshnikov A.I.:
Myths and reality: critical remarks on M.L. Danilevsky’s monograph, “Longicorn beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycoidea) of Russia and adjacent countres. Part 1“.
[ Мифы и реальность: критические замечания по поводу монографии М.Л. Данилевского «Жуки-усачи (Coleoptera, Cerambycoidea) России и соседних стран. Часть 1».]
Caucasian Entomological Bulletin 12 (1): 181–214, 2016. [download]
Subfamilia | Lepturinae Latreille, 1802 |
Tribus | Lepturini Latreille, 1802 |
Genus | Paracorymbia Miroshnikov, 1998 |
Subgenus | Paracorymbia Miroshnikov, 1998 |
Species | Paracorymbia (Paracorymbia) pallidipennis (Tournier, 1872) |