[= Etorofus variicornis Matsushita, 1933]
[= Strangalia circaocularis Pic, 1934]
[= Pedostrangalia circaocularis Pic, 1934]
[= Leptura circaocularis (Pic, 1934)]
Subfamilia: LEPTURINAE / Tribus: LEPTURINI

[Photo © Maxim E. Smirnov, click on the picture for 4K resolution]
Etorofus nemurensis, a Pacific-insular coniferous forest species occuring in Japan (Hokkaido) and Russian Far East islands (Kurils, Sakhalin), has been described from Hokkaido as Etorofus variicornis var. nemurensis by Masaki Matsushita in 1933 [▽]. The larvae develop in the decaying wet coniferous wood (e.g. fallen, uprooted trees or logs cast ashore on sea coast), spruce Picea and fir Abies are the preferred host trees. Larvae create galleries along trunk plugged with frass, sometimes galleries merge to form considerable niches in wood entirely plugged with frass. After second or third overwintering larvae create pupal cell in wood plugged with coarse fibrous frass and pupate in early summer. Life cycle 2 - 3 years. Adults, active from late June to early September, are diurnal and anthophilous [❖][✧].
The Etorofus status as an independent genus and relationship to the genus Pedostrangalia, as well as status and validity of its subgenera (Etorofus, Nakanea) is unclear and is the subject of much discussion, professional controversy and frequent changes [✩][❖].
Body length: ♂♂ 12.5 - 15 mm / ♀♀ 14.5 - 19 mm Life cycle: 2 - 3 years Adults in: June - September Host plant: polyphagous in coniferous trees (Picea, Abies) Distribution: Russian Far East, Japan
The depicted beetles were collected in Stolbovskie thermal springs (Столбовские термальные источники) environs (2 km south of Cape Stolbchaty, Kunashir Island, Kuril Islands, Sakhalin oblast, Far Eastern federal district, Russia) on July 27, 2008.Collected by Igor V. Melnik
Matsushita M.:
Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Cerambyciden des japanischen Reichs.
Journal of the Faculty of Agronomy of Hokkaido Imperial University, Sapporo 34 (2): i-ix + 157-445, 1933. [download]
Danilevsky M.L.:
Longicorn beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycoidea) of Russia and adjacent countries. Part 1.
Higher School Consulting, Moscow, 550pp [pages 300-301], 2014. [download]
Cherepanov A.I.:
Cerambycidae of Northern Asia, Volume 1 - Prioninae, Disteniinae, Lepturinae, Aseminae.
Amerind Publishing, New Delhi: 304pp [pages 467-521 as Leptura circaocularis], 1988. [download]
Danilevsky M.L.:
Additions and corrections to the new Catalogue of Palaearctic Cerambycidae (Coeloptera) edited by I. Löbl and A. Smetana, 2010. Part III.
Munis Entomology & Zoology Journal 7 (1): 109-171, 2012. [download]
Subfamilia | Lepturinae Latreille, 1802 |
Tribus | Lepturini Latreille, 1802 |
Genus | Etorofus Matsushita, 1933 |
Subgenus | Etorofus Matsushita, 1933 |
Species | Etorofus (Etorofus) nemurensis Matsushita, 1933 |