ssp. saudicola Téocchi, 1991
[= Crossotus albicollis saudicola Téocchi, 1991]
Subfamilia: LAMIINAE / Tribus: CROSSOTINI

[Photo © David Navrátil, click on the picture for 4K resolution]
Crossotus erlangeri, a representative of Ethiopian entomofauna extending as a subspecies in the north of its distribution range to the Arabian Peninsula, has been described from Somalia by Eugen Hintz in 1912 [❖]. The subspecies (C. erlangeri saudicola), endemic to Saudi Arabia, has been described originally from Fayfa environs as Crossotus albicollis saudicola by Pierre Téocchi in 1991 [✧]. The current taxonomic status was first published in a preliminary revision of the genus Crossotus (Sudre J., Téocchi P., Sama G. & Rousset F.) in 2007 [✮].
Body length: 8 - 13 mm Life cycle: 2 - 3 years [?] Adults in: almost whole year Host plant: Vachellia spp. (= former Acacia) Distribution: an endemic subspecies to Saudi Arabia
Depicted beetles were reared from larvae found in Vachellia branch collected in Sūq-‘Aybān village environs (N17°15′37″ E43°04′07″; 660 m a.s.l., Faifa Mountains/جِبَالُ فَيْفَاءَ, Jazan province, Saudi Arabia) on October 20-22, 2022.Collected by Petr Kabátek
Hintz E:
Die Cerambicidengruppe der Crossotidae. (Col.).
Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift 1912: 190-202, 1912. [download]
Holzschuh C. and Téocchi P.:
Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) of Saudi Arabia: Part I, Lamiinae.
Fauna of Saudi Arabia 12 [1991]: 295-311, 1992. [download]
Sudre J., Téocchi P., Sama G. & Rousset F.:
Les genres Crossotus, Biobessoides et Epidichostates (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Crossotini). Notes préliminaires pour une révision du genre Crossotus, avec remarques synonymiques et bionomiques sur les genre Corus, Biobessoides et Epidichostates.
Magellanes: Collection systématique 15: 1-80, 2007. [download]
Subfamilia | Lamiinae Latreille, 1825 |
Tribus | Crossotini Thomson, 1864 |
Genus | Crossotus Audinet-Serville, 1835 |
Species | Crossotus erlangeri Hintz, 1912 |
Subspecies | Crossotus erlangeri saudicola Téocchi, 1991 |