[Photo © ♂ - Roman Hergovits, ♀♀ - David Navrátil & 8K postprocessing Michal Hoskovec]
Afghanicenus nuristanicus, a rare and not often collected taxon endemic to Afghanistan, has been described as Purpuricenus nuristanicus by Leopold Heyrovský in 1936 [❖]. It was included in the newly established genus Afghanicenus by the same author in 1941 [✧].
Body length: 8 - 15 mm Life cycle: [?] Adults in: May - June Host plant: unknown Distribution: an endemic species to Afghanistan
The depicted beetles were collected in 5 km NW Paghman (2700 m a.s.l, Rast-e-Paghman river valley, Kokh-e-Paghman Mts., Paghman distrisct, Kabul province, Afghanistan) on June 10, 2016.Collected by Oleg Pak
Heyrovský L.:
Entomologische Sammelergebinsse der deutschen Hindukusch-Expedition 1935 der deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft - Cerambycidae.
Arbeiten über morphologische und taxonomische Entomologie aus Berlin-Dahlem 3 (3): 211-213, 1936. [download]
Heyrovský L.:
Beschreibung einer neuen Cerambyciden-Gattung aus Afghanistan (Col., Ceramb.).
Časopis České Společnosti Entomologické 38: 35-39, 1941. [download]
Subfamilia | Cerambycinae Latreille, 1802 |
Tribus | Trachyderini Dupont, 1836 |
Genus | Afghanicenus Heyrovský, 1941 |
Species | Afghanicenus nuristanicus (Heyrovský, 1936) |